WP 18: Spacial scale study


To estimate how ecosystem biodiversity and different indicator groups can be used for assessing the ecological status of streams and what spatial scale is relevant. To provide complete sets of data from sites of medium-sized, deeper lowland streams from Ecoregion 15 (Baltic), so as to incorporate in EU system of inter-calibration of methods, integration of data from different taxonomic groups, standardisation of their application to ecological assessment of river quality. To contribute to the progress of implementation of methodologies of ecological integrity assessment and monitoring under WFD approach in Latvia.

Methodology/work description

For the purposes of this project, a nested hierarchical propose will be used (catchment area > streamreach > riffle > habitat) for studies of stream biodiversity in accordance with spatial scale. Also medium-sized, deeper lowland streams of Ecoregion 15 are recognised for the assessment of different stages of degradation by organic pollution. The acquisition of existing data and selection of sampling sites for data set for these objectives will be carried out. Data for cross-comparisons and the preparation of standards for Europe in accordance with WFD will be acquired.
The specific of the number and type of sites to be sampled are as follows:

The following samples will be taken:

The sampling, survey and sample processing protocols to be used are all standard techniques currently in use in one or more EU Member States, NAS or research projects and each are prescribed in detailed, publicly available manuals. Sorting and identification macro-invertebrate samples will be undertaken in the laboratory using prescriptive procedures in standard manuals. Identification will be to the best achievable and should be to species level wherever possible.
The identification of the phytobenthos samples will be carried out by a Polish NAS partner.

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